I am going to claim Mercury Retrograde is responsible for any unclarity in this transmission. While Mercury is currently in direct motion it will not pass over the degree that it started moving backwards from until February. I am sure there is a technical word for it but what is important is one has like two more weeks of excuses. (joking because if you suffer from the retrogrades you know it is not funny at all).
This month was pretty intense really. Gerry Vassilatos and Ruth Drown really sat down “one on one” and took a hard look at the Drown Instrument, in particular the component that is used to detect the energy coming from the body. They were joined by several others passing through and making some great observations.
My printer accidentally printed me a copy of Vril V Vril Connection this month and that is what led us down this rabbit hole. It is dedicated to Antonio Meucci and his work with the Telephone.
Telephone is a funny word, Huh?
The telephone is nearly a lost technology. I never needed to learn how it works. I have a phone that looks like it comes from the 20th century, because I am old and stuck in my ways. I imagine it is a land line but it is actually just an internet phone.
Someone must have an old telephone?
The controversy surrounding Meucci and Bell is convoluted. Interpreted in the 21st century it is clear to me that Meucci was being used as propaganda against the Bell monopoly. I call it propaganda because the “telephone” described by Meucci is nothing like the telephone that went on to be used. Meucci would have us in glass booths?
Gerry Vassilatos, shows us how the discovery of Meucci is similar to Ruth Drown’s Radionic Instruments.
The Ruth Drown device here at Borderland Sciences is slightly damaged and does not have the detector portion with a rubber diaphragm, so I have never been able to experience this sort of radiesthesia first hand.
Although, I can hear Gerry in my ear, correcting me that it is not Radiesthesia that Ruth was using, at least not as we access it with a pendulum and rod.
The fingers are actually “hearing” the frequency on the diaphragm of the detector!
He smiles “It is a lot more like radio that most people understand”...
“There is a lot about radio that I do not understand” I say as I open up the wiki to try to get some background really quick.
I start by getting a broader look at Meucci but almost instantly we are getting crucial information.
The description matches so many elements in the Ruth Drown Instruments.
Some of Meucci's notes written in 1857 describe the basic principle of electromagnetic voice transmission or in other words, the telephone:
Consiste in un diaframma vibrante e in un magnete elettrizzato da un filo a spirale che lo avvolge. Vibrando, il diaframma altera la corrente del magnete. Queste alterazioni di corrente, trasmesse all'altro capo del filo, imprimono analoghe vibrazioni al diaframma ricevente e riproducono la parola.
It consists of a vibrating diaphragm and a magnet electrified by a spiral wire that wraps around it. The vibrating diaphragm alters the current of the magnet. These alterations of current, transmitted to the other end of the wire, create analogous vibrations of the receiving diaphragm and reproduce the word.
In 1864, Meucci claimed to have made what he felt was his best device, using an iron diaphragm with optimized thickness and tightly clamped along its rim. The instrument was housed in a shaving-soap box, whose cover clamped the diaphragm. In August 1870, Meucci reportedly obtained transmission of articulate human voice at a mile distance by using as a conductor a copper wire insulated by cotton. He called his device "telettrofono". Drawings and notes by Antonio Meucci with a claimed date of 27 September 1870 show that Meucci understood inductive loading on long-distance telephone lines 30 years before any other scientists.
Meucci joins us and since I can’t understand what he is saying opens up a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Some principle here in the electrostatic or condenser microphone is trying to be expressed in relation to Ruth’s rubber diaphragm detector…
The electrostatic or condenser microphone is constructed with the diaphragm as one plate of a parallel-plate capacitor. The most popular form of this type of microphone is the electret condenser microphone, in which the plates are given a permanent electrical charge. When a sound wave causes the charged diaphragm plate to vibrate, the voltage across the plates changes, creating a signal that can be amplified and transmitted to the recording device. An amplifier is often mounted in the microphone, so this type of microphone requires the use of a battery to power the amplifier. Because the diaphragm of a condenser microphone can be very light, compared with the more massive dynamic microphone, it is able to respond faster and at higher frequencies. Consequently, condenser microphones generally have better linearity and a greater frequency range than dynamic microphones.
Gerry attempts to clarify things and bring us on track by introducing the idea of “acoustic telephony”.
From Vril V:
“Meucci was the first to develop both empathic and acoustic telephony but in telephony we find Meucci’s greatest and most grand achievement. Tesla would later allude to these very developments.”
Some interesting details of this experience turned up on the wiki page.
“In 1849 while providing a treatment to a patient with a 114V electrical discharge, in his laboratory Meucci is claimed to have heard his patient's scream through the piece of copper wire that was between them, from the conductors he was keeping near his ear. His intuition was that the "tongue" of copper wire vibrated just like a leave of an electroscope—which meant there was an electrostatic effect.”
And then Gerry continues. From Vril V:
“The nerve force (shout) of the man was transmitted to Sr. Meucci 80 feet away in another room. Meucci felt the shout in his body. The minor observation of an acoustic effect near the electrode was developed into an acoustic telephone. Physiophony is the major discovery of Meucci.”
“ Physiophony is the transmission of meaningful messages and eidetic experiences via nerve-induction.”
To which Meucci adds, as well, from Vril V:
“Answer 30. About the year 1859 or 1860. That was the first instrument that i made with the bobbin bought from Mr. Chester, as well as the first with the center of the bobbin made of a piece of steel, tempered and magnetized permanently, put inside of a circular box of pasteboard, with a wooden bottom, and above it an animal diaphragm with a hole in the middle and the whole covered by a metallic tongue that served as a valve, opening and closing by the oscillations of the word. And in the same instrument I tried several other qualities of diaphragm of several materials. The instrument has given me excellent results in transmission of the exact word.”
Ruth listening avidly shares her experience with Gerry and Meucci:
From “Theory and Technique of the Drown H.V.R”:
“Thus under the laws of vibration each individual has a rate of vibration distinctive to himself. Each organ, gland and tissue has its own vibration rate as well, Hence the energy emanating from every tissue does so in vibration wave-lengths peculiar to that organ or tissue, and in proportion to the vibration of the tissue as set up by the molecular activity within it. Consequently our bodies are virtually a composite of many “dynamos,” constantly creating energy, constantly sending out wave-lengths according to each dynamo’s pattern of activity.”
“We know that any dynamo continuously creating energy must have an outlet, a “ground,” or it will explode from its own energy creation, With the advent of radio and the knowledge of radio-active principles, we find that the “ground” for these dynamos of ours is the same radio-active ether which penetrates all substance; which passes through the walls of a house and brings to a radio sound energy from Little America, or from any other part of the world; which carries bands about the earth. This same radio-active ether penetrates the body substance and carries off the energy in wave-lengths emanating from the tissues, returning it again after encircling the earth with the speed of light (seven and three-quarter times per second).”
“To be sure, The Drown Instrument is an instrument and not a machine. It is not meant to supplant the physician’s brains nor substitute for them. Its use, like that of the stethoscope,must be combined with wisdom, thoughtfulness, and knowledge.”
“It is so constructed that the operator is able to selectively tune-in to the various organs, glands and tissues of the body and receive each patient’s specific wave-length.”
“For diagnosis, the patient places his feet on the foot plates attached to the instrument. By this action the course of energy, carried on radio-active ether in its flow towards the earth, is drawn into the instrument, passing towards the ground from the foot plates: the operator, manipulating the various dials and moving his finger, covered with a rubber finger-stall, over the detector on the instrument, is able to tune in to the vibrations selectively.”
“This is made possible by the fact that when the lower vibratory wave-lengths of energy, such are found in diseased and lower functioning parts (which energy is negative to the total body energy) meets the operator’s hand, a direct short is noted in the detector.”
“Thus by introducing varying resistances with different dial changes, the operator shifts from one wave-lenght to another, and determines the deviation in reception from normal”
Next to Ruth appears another woman with a thoughtful expression, she too has a sort of clinical white coat. These are women of the laboratory in the 1940’s in California!
She exclaims …”All Power Cometh from Within”... and then gives us her detailed observations.
Plant Experiments with the Pathoclast
Dr. Grace Bailey Edwards, Los Angeles, Calif.
Vol. 18. Sec 6 September, 1946
…”All Power Cometh from Within”...it is this inner power which is utilized in the pathodyne treatment. The pathometrist visualizes the flow of power, possible feeble from the very ill patient, emanating from his body and being caught in the sensitive coils of the collector, transmitted to the vacuum tubes in the instrument where it is amplified, and then he further visualizes the greatly augmented flow of this same personalized power going back to the patient.”
“The pathodyne treatment, now designated in your manual as the pathoclast, intrinsic, surging wave treatment, was strictly speaking a radio-type treatment operating through open air gap at both pick-up and delivery ends,.”
-The Pathometric Journal Vol. 13 No.1, Oct. 1, 1940
Ralph Lee Smith wanders in off of the internet actually holding a pair of silver footpads…showing them to Meucci who nods, knowingly.
At Drown Laboratories a patient was told to sit beside an impressive console and put his feet on two footpads made of German silver . The console had nine knobs arranged in three rows of three, and each knob had settings numbered from zero through 10. On the console panel there was also a micro-ammeter. Near the right-hand corner of the desk on which the console was mounted was a small rectangular rubber membrane clamped down by a metal frame. Next to this was a cylindrical well about an inch and a half deep. Seated at the console, Doctor Drown placed an electrode on some portion of the patient's body, usually his abdomen. This immediately caused a movement of the needle on the ammeter.With her right middle finger, on which she wore a rubber covering, Doctor Drown then stroked the rubber membrane while making adjustments on the nine dials with her left hand. When her finger began to "stick" or squeak on the rubber,this indicated that the dial settings were beginning to approach the vibration rate of the part or organ of the body that she was supposedly testing.
The Incredible Drown Case by Ralph Lee Smith
I remembered that I had a single file from the five volume set of The “Lost” Ruth Drown Files which are only available on request.
I opened it and the first thing I saw was the words “Inaudiable Soundwaves” written in her elegant old style cursive penmanship. She has made the note to expand on what she means by “short wave”. This excerpt by far, was the most intense synchronicity for me:
“Next we have an instrument which has been called the “short wave” because it picks up the patient's energy from one pad or “Ariel” as it passes through the radio and is filtered through magnets in the circuit it comes out through the “audio”. This instrument is very effective in helping bones to granulate, and for building histological tissue. We do not treat diseases with it, only tissues of the body, and nature eliminates the disease when the tissues attain its own balanced polarity. Diseased bacteria only lives in its own rate of vibration, when the tissue rate is changed the bacteria is thrown out by nature.”