Did Aghartha survive the great central Asian earthquake of 1950?
A “gravitator”. A wooden box four inches square and two feet long, containing some lead and some glass, or sulphur or some other insulating substance.
“two different types of spirituality, the upward trend and the lower one, and that the real spiritual struggle is one between the two different types of spirituality with matter serving as the battle ground.”
“There is reason to believe, moreover, that evolution is not only still progressing, but also that it proceeds at an uneven pace.”
We find ourselves in the audience of a 1973 talk show called The $64 Jillion Question. The lights have not gone up and we heard all that scattered conversation from the guests sitting in the dark.
The lights come up and we hear that distinctive TV show band music…sitting in ugly green faux nuvus chairs are the guests…
M.K. Jessup (The Allende Letters and Gravity), looking like an ancient photo-copy of a photo from the 1950’s.
Eric Dollard (Free Energy Research), wondering how he got here, especially as he is not technically dead, but let's just chalk it up to anomalies…
Theodore Illion from 1934 and the best I can do to describe him is sort of a deranged Indiana Jones type, from the file Secret City in the Valley of Mystery or Darkness over Tibet.
Leonard J. Ravitz (New York Academy of Science), a very excited intellectual character with a lot to say, he seems to dominate the stage with his east coast “Academic” presence.
There is a lot of tension between Theodore and Leonard.
Theodore actually interrupted the conversation that Leonard was having with A.L. Kitselman who somehow took the place of M.K. Jessup.
Leonard: “The concept of natural energy has been substituted, in which continual flux and reflux of intensity and direction have been epistemically correlated with the numerous changes in state function.”
A.L. Kitselman: “connected to fifty thousand volts, it would gain or lose one percent of its weight!”
Theodore Illion: the upward trend!
[Both pause and look at Illion. Kitselman gives a wry smile and Leonard shots a hard, cold, silent stare.]
Theodore Illion: [Pleading to the host, almost hostile] They seemed to utterly ignore the vital fact that there are two different types of spirituality, the upward trend and the lower one, and that the real spiritual struggle is one between the two different types of spirituality with matter serving as the battle ground.
Crabb (Host): did Aghartha survive the great central Asian earthquake of 1950?
Theodore Illion: Or did Mani Pimpotche– like Sampson of old, leaning against the pillars – bring his secret underground capital crashing around him?
Eric: Instant Energy Release as Infinity
Leonard Ravitz: Results of relatively intense field bombardment of relatively fragile neocortical tissue have been poised as follows: states of relatively sustained excitation, with facilitation and/or inhibition of response; states of periodic excitation alternating with return to a more optimal state function and state of reversible exhaustion;
Theodore Illion:You did not seem to be aware of the dreadful alternative of annihilation, of the fact that there is a downward trend of Divine evolution.
Eric: Because the current is directly related to the velocity of field it jumps to infinity in its attempt to produce finite voltage across zero resistance.
Eric Dollard is actually sort of egging Thedore on because he likes the way it triggers Leonard, who is so up tight. I suspect that Eric approves of what Leonard is saying but likes that he has to work so hard to get the theoretics of the engineering to actually show some basis for evolution.
So we circle back and try to listen again at what this is all trying to teach us.
We start by trying to take in what Leonard is trying to tell us about the shift to the paradigm of natural energy.
“ Hence, by abandoning traditional, complex, pluralistic, Cartesian interactions of posited mental parts and forces and their spurious “unification” thorough “psychosomatic” constructs with the material parts and forces of general medicine, the spurious solution to the equally spurious mind-body problem can be comprehended readily. The concept of natural energy has been substituted, in which continual flux and reflux of intensity and direction have been epistemically correlated with the numerous changes in state function. Thus it seems as though an objective measure of those properties of protoplasmic organization which establish the essential characteristics of feeling, behavior, and thinking is at hand, based on non-mechanistic causality principles.
“The grin remains, but the cat is gone”
Leonard J. Ravitz
History, Measurement, and Applicability of Periodic Changes in the Electromagnetic Field in Health and Disease, 1962
Kitselman’s following observation is not clear to me.
Maybe some connection between “ properties of protoplasmic organization” and “a mass force, like gravity, rather than an area force, like most known electric forces.”
“B was born in 1905; he made his discovery shortly after World War I. He soon learned that the new force was not produced by the X-rays, but by the high voltage which they required. Many experiments were necessary to make certain that the force was not one of the known effects of high voltage; and that it is a mass force, like gravity, rather than an area force, like most known electric forces. He finally produced an apparatus which he optimistically called a “gravitator”. A wooden box four inches square and two feet long, containing some lead and some glass, or sulphur or some other insulating substance which, when stood upright on a scale and connected to fifty thousand volts, would gain or lose one percent of its weight!
Space and Peace by A.L. Kitselman from his book “Hello Stupid”
MK Jessup, The Allende Letters and Gravity, 1956
This old text called Secret City has long fallen out of the catalog. It is not an easy text to digest. I would almost suggest that one reason it is not in the catalog is because it is just outside of the hologram that IS the catalog.
The scene flutters as I try to make sense of it. Crabb almost turns into Joe Rogan interviewing Theodore Illion about Agartha as I am flipping through stupid short video clips for some reason.
The You Tube short is of a weird old TV show called The $64 Jillion question?
There is little to support Theodore Ilion’s fantastic adventure story to the underground capital of Tibet, probably in 1934, though he gives no date. The reasons for the mystery shrouding the existence and location of the Secret City became obvious as Illion’s story progresses. We believe this is the fabled Aghratha, polar opposite to Shamballa, City of Light. The $64 Jillion question now (1973) is, did Aghartha survive the great central Asian earthquake of 1950? Or did Mani Pimpotche– like Sampson of old, leaning against the pillars – bring his secret underground capital crashing around him?
In 1950, you will remember, Mao Tse Tung and his staff ordered the first invasion of Tibet. It was a showdown between the radical left, the Communists, and the radical right, the northern Buddhists.
Secret City in the Valley of Mystery, 1950 (1973)
This whole writing process is not made easier by the apparent variety of materials. Free Energy Research by Eric Dollard open at random provides a nice excerpt but how does it relate to the narrative unfolding for us this month?
We do know that Eric Dollard’s passion is in telluric detection of earthquakes.
I suggest that he is sort of half-joking and half-serious when he connects the 1950 earthquake with a short circuit in the telluric-electrical forces which resulted in an explosion of almost inconceivable violence.
He is not only trolling Theodore but is implying a connection to the new force was not produced by X-rays, but by high voltage that B had discovered in Kitselman’s observation.
Instant Energy Release as Infinity
Phenomena of enormous magnitude manifest themselves when the criteria for voltage or potential difference is instantly disrupted, as with a short circuit. The effect is analogous with the open circuit of inductive current. Because the forcing voltage is instantly withdrawn the field explodes against the bounding conductors with a velocity that may exceed light. Because the current is directly related to the velocity of field it jumps to infinity in its attempt to produce finite voltage across zero resistance. If considerable energy had resided in the dielectric force field, again let us say several KWH, the resulting explosion has almost inconceivable violence and can vaporize a conductor of substantial thickness instantly. Dielectric discharges of great speed and energy represent one of the most unpleasant experiences the electrical engineer encounters in practice.
Free-Energy Research of Eric Dollard, 1990
Theodore Illion, his face strained with urgency, seems to demonstrate how this telluric/gravitational/mass force is a bi-polar spirituality that is engaged in violent struggle.
We listen as he relates what he learned from the Secret City.
One of them envisage the glory of evolution, life passing from the mineral stage through plants, animals and man and angels up to the archangelic and Divine stages, every creature automatically becoming a god. And one day it would be Godlike. It was only a question of time.
Glory in their eyes, seemed to be the automatic and inevitable destiny of man. They did not seem to be aware of the dreadful alternative of annihilation, of the fact that there is a downward trend of Divine evolution.
They seemed to feel that the great spiritual struggle was between spirit and matter. They seemed to utterly ignore the vital fact that there are two different types of spirituality, the upward trend and the lower one, and that the real spiritual struggle is one between the two different types of spirituality with matter serving as the battle ground.
The Secret City, Ted Illion, 1950
Leonard J. Ravitz is not having any of it.
He finds the dualism unsavory, distasteful and inappropriate.
Of course to my ear, there is something of a delusional 20th century faith in progress motivating his enthusiasm.
There is reason to believe, moreover, that evolution is not only still progressing, but also that it proceeds at an uneven pace. With the emergence of increasingly differentiated forms of life, behavior has become less stereotype and rigid, more modifiable and educable, until in man, the discriminatory and integrative neocortical controls assert their functional potentialities. As primitive responses are directly related to the autonomy of phylogenetically old centers, which under such intense affects as fear, rage, hate, jealousy, or profound sexual excitation, suspend and completely dispossess neocortical processes of education, culture, reason, judgment, memory, and imagination, along with digestion, it is not surprising that all human reactions of this type reveal muscular tenseness and stereotype rigidity.
In 1956, at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, the phylogenetic basis of behavioral disorders was presented, a construct deriving from considerations of fundamental behavior changes at each step in the evolution of the nervous system; with particular emphasis on the balance between basal ganglia and neocortex, and the relationship of field intensification and variability to the suspension or disruption of the discriminatory, regulatory, and integrative aspects of neocortical function. Inbrief, behavior disorders seem related to the innate degree of lability, loss or lack of functioning between morphological developed old and new nervous structures, based on individual variations in the evolutionary functional maturity of neocortical tissue with respect to corresponding variations in the functional dominance or autonomy of the ancient components.
Results of relatively intense field bombardment of relatively fragile neocortical tissue have been poised as follows: states of relatively sustained excitation, with facilitation and/or inhibition of response; states of periodic excitation alternating with return to a more optimal state function and state of reversible exhaustion; states of exhaustion and relatively optimal state function; and finally, in some, before the “flame” dies down, compensatory, periodic state of excitation at which optimal state functions now occurs, alternating with states of exhaustion, followed by relatively irreversible states of exhaustion.
Leonard J. Ravitz,
History, Measurement, and Applicability of Periodic Changes in the Electromagnetic Field in Health and Disease, 1962
Again in True Borderland Sciences tradition, F.A. Archdale shows up with the most simple tool one can find on the Borderland, a pendulum.
Suggesting that aside from all the talk of using these electro-gravitic forces to engage the plasticity of the nervous system all that is really required is to “imagine yourself, the operator, as a super sensitive receiving set, as in fact you are.”
In order to get the fundamental principles of this science you must try to imagine yourself, the operator, as a super sensitive receiving set, as in fact you are. It is common knowledge that the volume from an ordinary wireless can be increased by holding one end of the ariel. This surely proves that the human body can and does receive waves or radiations from the ether. Similarly, in Radiesthesia you receive radiations from outside sources which you instinctively pass on, through reflex muscular action, to the pendulum, which, by its movements, enables you to perceive and measure the external influences you are, quite unwittingly, receiving.
F.A. Archdale, Elementary Radiesthesia, 1944
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