Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Rife Research Laboratory (BSRF Video)

This is the rare footage from the 1930s of California pathologist Royal R. Rife in his ground ­breaking laboratory. In this video we are shown, among many other things, “lab mice afflicted with cancer viruses and cured with the Ray tube and Microscope”. Did Rife develop an amazingly advanced medical technology beyond orthodox explanations? Watch and judge for yourself.

Just one of several videos we will be posting to our wiki and this blog in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Fortean Fantasticality of Vincent Gaddis

Ho Ho Ho! This holiday season we at Borderland Sciences are offering a gift of the Fortean fantasticality of Vincent Gaddis, including Mysterious Fires and Lights (reg. $11.95), Native American Myths and Mysteries (reg. $12.95), and Gold Rush Ghosts (reg. $9.95) -- a complete set for just $15, more than 50% off our regular price. This Gaddis Borderlands book bundle covers the spectrum of the uncanny and weird: the electric and the etheric, the natural and the numinous, the lure of gold and the ghosts born of greed, the mysteries of old and new America, devilish light and enigmatic fire. A perfect gift for the curious and the callow! Sure to entertain and inspire both young and old!

Available in limited quantity at this reduced price while supplies last. Not to your speed? Keep your eyes open for other seasonal science deals, rolling out regularly from now until the New Year.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Renaissance CDA Workshop Conference (November 13 - 14)

Renaissance Charge, who brought to the marketplace the first radiant battery chargers, present their Renaissance Charge Alternative Energy Conference this November 13-14 in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. According to the promo it is a "Conference giving People a chance to spend time with John Bedini and others of like-mind in actual Assembly and Discussion of Cutting Edge Alternative Energy Technology. Practical and Efficient Alternative Energy Solutions, Quality Workshop building of such systems, Theory, and How to Convert your Vehicle to 100% Electric and keep your Batteries."

Location: Coeur D'Alene Resort
Date: Weekend of November 13th and 14.
Registration: 8-8:15AM Nov. 13th. Limit of 500 persons.
Cost: $250 person; $60 each for child 12 and under with adult (limit two).

See Renaissance Charge Alternative Energy Conference for full details.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

EMA presents: "Resonance" (October 29 - 31)

The Electronic Medicine Association (of the UK, United States Chapter) will be hosting their "Resonance: The Foundation of Energetic Healing" — a teaching conference on Electronic Medicine for practitioners, students, and researchers — from October 29th through the 31st in Louisville, KY. The event features speakers Jon Monroe, Scott Keith Mumby, Chief Cloudpiler, and Peter Moscow, and will provide expert teaching on the basics of Radionics and Radiesthesia.

Interested? For more details on the event, visit Electronic Medicine Association or Holistic Philosophy Consultants.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nikola Tesla Day

July 10th is Nikola Tesla Day.

We hope that you'll join us today in taking a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and contributions of Tesla, perhaps the greatest of the inventors and visionaries of the twentieth century.

We are whirling through endless space, with an inconceivable speed, all around us everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expands our minds, strengthens our hopes and fills our hearts with supreme delight.

Nikola Tesla, 1891

A few articles on Nikola Tesla from the Journal of Borderland Research:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

35th Annual U.S.P.A. Conference

It's that time of year again: the U.S. Psychotronics Association presents "The Time Machine: Past / Present / Future in Science and Consciousness", the 35th Annual USPA Conference, this July (16th through 18th) in Louisville, KY.

You may recognize name of one of our speakers, Lutie Larsen. She is coming to Louisville, KY to speak at the 35th Annual USPA Conference. It will be at the InnPlace Hotel, 9700 Bluegrass Pkwy, near Hurstbourne Lane, July 16th - 18th, 2010. Lutie is an internationally known teacher of Radionics.... Her focus is Bio-energetic treatment of soil and plants which produce organic grade vegetables. In fact, the quality of the produce would be better defined as Bio-dynamic. She is a leader in what is known as sustainable farming. In Utah Robert Redford's Sundance Restaurant buys her lettuce crops which are normally grown and harvested in as little as 22 days. She will be conducting workshops for both the public and farmers.

Other scheduled presentations include a teleconference with Cleve Backster (godfather of "Primary Perception"); Scott Beutlich speaking on his work with his father, Bob Beutlich; keynote speaker Norman Shealy; and a host of others, covering the spectrum of alt science discussion. Visit the USPA website for more details:

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Preston Nichols's Spacetime Laboratories (BSRF Video)

Interview with Preston Nichols at his Spacetime Laboratories
(via Youtube)

More videos will be posted to our wiki and this blog as we uncover them. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Borderland Sciences Research Catalog

We're finally entering into the 21st century -- or, at least, our website is. We've launched a new online shopping cart, and we're running an online-only promotion to mark the occasion.

The first 23 customers using our new CubeCart shopping cart to place orders of $23 (or more) will also receive one of these two - FREE - "Thank You" gifts:

Journal of Borderland Research: Annual 2004 — Perception and Physics ($14.95 $7.95)
My Search for Radionic Truths
by R. Murray Denning ($9.95)


The Cosmic Pulse of Life
by Trevor James Constable ($24.95 $16.95)

Just tell us which one you want in the Comment box when you place your order.

We've added in a lot of our existing material to the catalog, but we've still got some left to load. If you want something you know we've got, but it isn't in the Borderland Sciences Research Catalog, you can always contact us directly and we'll get your order sorted out.

[Update: THANK YOU to our first 23 customers for their orders!]

Friday, January 29, 2010

Borderland Sciences Research Wiki

Science Wiki for Borderland Research

We've just launched and have begun populating the new Borderland Sciences Research Wiki, a digital archive of all our Borderlands Research work, including materials our own archives and from our associates around the world.

Want to become a contributor? Contact us!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Journal of Borderland Research

The Journal of Borderland Research (1960 - 2004), which continued on from Meade Layne's original Round Robin (1945 - 1959), is one of the preeminent sources of alternative sciences and solutions, and, while it has not been published for many years, it is far from lost and forgotten. Still serving higher intelligence, still bringing you out to the fringes of perception and awareness, we've begun prepping from the archives some of the classic articles, reviews, and interviews that you've been asking for, and we're putting them online, free of charge, at the new Journal of Borderland Research (

Our first forty articles cover a broad spectrum of the archive, moving from the effects of ELF on brain waves to borderlandsciences.orglunar influence on production of colloidal silver, from the sonic weapon of Vladimir Gavreau to Wilhelm Reich's contact with space. Tired of just reading about this stuff? DIY experiments with plants and radionic currents and subtle energy detection.

There is still a lot of work to be done, and we hope to get your feedback to make it all even better. Tell us what you want to see more of, request specific articles, submit your own work— we're ready to hear what you have to say.

See you out there on the Borderland.