Saturday, December 31, 2022

Vril Transactive Devices, The Law of Vibration and Accidental Neutralization

 Borderland Scientists of the past, present and future want to give our sincere thanks to the wonderful response we had from some of the members of our community who were generous in their support. We not only have new boxes but fresh enthusiasm.

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This month, Ruth Drown joins us and brings up four important points to be addressed.

“The Law of Vibration.”

“Energy emanating from every tissue.”

“Vibration of the tissue as set up by the molecular activity.”

“Wave-lengths peculiar to that organ or tissue and in proportion to the vibration of the tissue as set up by the molecular activity”

The key being here is to suspend our immediate definitions that arise for many of these “simple” terms she is using. To take a second and try to glimpse what she might be talking about in a more open and less technical frame.

One of the main obscurations on the Borderland is language.

We must realize that Ruth Drown was a deeply intuitive mind. Her ability to engineer devices to enable her to work with the most subtle energies seems more art than science.

One of the detractions people make about the use of Ruth’s technical language of the 30’s is that she did not deeply understand electricity and she imagined it to be more “spiritual” than it really is. This is only true when we confine ourselves to the rigid conventional use of language. We are not bound by such conventions on the Borderland of Science. We are not too concerned by the naysayers who cannot even perceive what we are investigating in the first place, but we do use the criticism to sharpen our observations wherever possible.

Our challenge today is to balance Ruth’s intuitive language with the deeply intuitive writing of Gerry Vassilatos.

Gerry has given us a vast amount of material to sift. None of the Vril Compendium can be approached in a linear manner. It is an eleven volume flick book of schematics and articles. Gerry, in the 1990’s was surfing old libraries the way we surf the internet. The Vril Compendium must be browsed. The reading must be absorbed. In time, the vision is very clear but just does not contain a lot of words that can express it to others. A terribly personal journey that is bound to further isolate you from your peers who already think you are a bit daft for indulging in research into alternative sciences.

“Vril transactive devices reveal the ease with which the Vril dissolves and transects inertial space.”

Lets listen to Ruth Drown in brief detail:

“Thus under the law of vibration each individual has a rate of vibration distinctive to himself. Each organ, gland, and tissue has its own vibration rate as well. Hence the energy emanating from every tissue does so in vibration wave-lengths peculiar to that organ or tissue and in proportion to the vibration of the tissue as set up by the molecular activity within it. Consequently our bodies are virtually a composite of many “dynamos” constantly creating energy, constantly sending out wave-lengths according to each dynamo’s activity.”

“We know that any dynamo continuously creating energy must have an outlet, a “ground” for these dynamos of ours is the same radio-active ether that penetrates all substance; which passes through the walls of a house and brings to a radio sound-energy from Little America, or from any part of the world; which carries energy in wave-lenghts on radio-active carrier bands about the earth. This same radio-active ether penetrates the body substance and carries off the energy in wave-lenghts emanating from the tissues, returning it again after circling the earth with the speed of light (seven and three quarter times per second.)”

Page 20

The Theory and Technique of the Drown H.V.R. and Radio-Vision Instrument    By Ruth B. Drown, 1938

Gerry Vassilatos introduces us to Moses G. Farmer who is working on improving telegraph circuits. These telegraphs are considered “Vril transactive devices” by Gerry and thus certain observations will also apply to Ruth Drowns circuits which are also clearly “Vril transactive devices”.

Moses G. Farmer explains,

“My invention has for its object to send and receive messages simultaneously over the the same wire and upon one instrument; and to this I accomplish by the employment of an accessory magnet and accessory battery to each instrument, in combination with the main batteries and main magnets, and with a means of reversing the direction of the current of each of the main batteries, as will be hereinafter more particularly described.”

“The outside contact springs are for the purpose of reversing the poles of the main battery or the direction of the main currents. The middle spring, H, is for the purpose of opening or closing  what I term the “accessory circuit.”

“The armatures m of the main magnet are stationary; but the armatures m1 of the accessory magnet, together with its arm L, are allowed to vibrate a short distance under circumstances which will be presently explained.”

Moses G. Farmer, Improved Method of Sending and Receiving Messages, 1858 (Vril Compendium 2)

Gerry Vassilatos gives us important details,

“Specific Vril materials have human-matched conductivity of chief importance. Carbon and Iron are the humanly central matched conductivity. These are groups of human-matched materials. Through the Vril transactive chart we determine the true elements in their number and variations. Vril conductivity with the human organism defines technology. We utilize the materials which are central to Vril conductivity in human organism when measuring and establishing parameters of measurement.”

“Vril conductivities are determined through physical contact with Vril transactive matter. Vril conductivities reveal the degree of inertial agglutination in space. Vril transactive devices reveal the ease with which the Vril dissolves and transects inertial space. Inertial space blocks consciousness. Our chief aim is to dissolve these deadening inclusions.”

Vril Compendium Volume 2, Gerry Vassilatos, 1992

“Vril conductivities reveal the degree of inertial agglutination in space.”

Peter Lindemann suddenly appears and nods to Gerry and mentions Bruce De Palma’s work.

“His (Bruce De Palma) discovery that inertia is not a property of mass, but a property of space, is the doorway through which a future society will find energy abundance and interstellar travel”

In Memorium Bruce Eldrige DePalma by Peter Lindemann,

The Journal of Borderland Research, Second Quarter 1998

Ruth Drown always being one to keep things focused and on track repeats Gerry with insistence:

“Inertial space blocks consciousness. Our chief aim is to dissolve these deadening inclusions.”

Looking at the Radionic devices Gerry pivots,

“Vril conductivity with the human organism defines technology.”

Which brings in F.A. Archdale, holding a gyrating pendulum, who adds,

“The late Abbe Mermet carried out his diagnosis in direct contact with his patient. Using his left hand as a pointer he went over the body of the patient, the pendulum gyrating over healthy organs and changing to oscillations over an unhealthy organ.”

“Mermet also measured the nervous tension by applying the pendulum to the clenched fist, fingers uppermost. For a normal man the pendulum should give ten oscillations, but many more if he is depressed.”

Elementary Radiesthesia, The Use of the Pendulum  F.A. Archdale,1944

Moses G. Farmer, pendulum in hand, observing the oscillation in one direction and then in the reverse, points again to his circuit and explains:

“The outside contact springs are for the purpose of reversing the poles of the main battery or the direction of the main currents. The middle spring, H, is for the purpose of opening or closing  what I term the “accessory circuit.”

This technical discussion has brought in T.G. Hieronymus from a very rare book that turned up in the churn.

He is eager to share his complete experience in an effort to compare the reversing of the poles in the telegraph to what he calls “Neutralization” in the portable Pathoclast he has with him.

 As Gerry has said, “Vril transactive devices reveal the ease with which the Vril dissolves and transects inertial space”, and thenT.G. Hieronymus goes on:

“Accidental Neutralization of the Specimen”

By T.G. Hieronymus, Kansas City, Mi

Recently, while taking a treatment from a portable Pathoclast, I attempted to straighten out the cords connecting the collector and coil type collector applicator. The specimen was in well no. 1 and had been analyzed and I was ready for the treatment. In straightening out the cords I inadvertently caused the treatment coil to come close to well No. 1 containing the specimen, while the other ends of the cords were properly connected to the therapy terminals. This produced the same effect as if I had thrown the switch to the proper position for neutralizing well No. 1, because while neutralizing well No.1 the neutralizing coil built into the instrument is connected to the same part of the circuit as the therapy terminals. After giving the treatment a re-check was made on some of the glands, which indicated there was no energy at all in the specimen. Knowing that the energy had been in the specimen, because of an original check had been made, the writer undertook to determine the cause of this particular phenomena, with the result that he was able to duplicate the situation over again.

In case of doubt, keep coils away from the instrument. In fact it would be well to have them disconnected from the instrument until they are actually in place on the body, or better still, don’t throw the switch to therapy until the coils are in place on the body, which position should not be within a couple of feet of the specimen.”

The Pathometric Journal Feb 1945 Page 44

Ruth smiles, claps her hands in realization and repeats Gerry’s language,

“Through the Vril transactive chart we determine the true elements in their number and variations. Vril conductivity with the human organism defines technology. We utilize the materials which are central to Vril conductivity in human organism when measuring and establishing parameters of measurement.”