After a slow start we ended up with a rousing conversation about the “exogenous component regulating electrocyclic timing” as Leonard Ravitz wants to call it.
“The response of living species to electromagnetic fields (such fields being either responsible for, or a consequence of, telluric currents) is a difficult but important problem.” Gerry Vassilatos
“Magnetism is energy (force and information) which flows from one pole to the other. It is always a matter of source and drain (plus and minus). This is what the whole universe, the Creation and life, are based on. ” Johan Grander
“The streams of energy felt in the healthy and lively human being, have their counterparts in the orgone energy streams that sustain the whole life of the earth. In modern orgone engineering, the earth itself is approached as a gigantic living organism.” Trevor J. Constable
“Human experience is shaped by Vril transactions. We need Vril eidetic transaction. It is a living nutrient to our being.” Gerry Vassilatos
Here follows the excerpts as they unfolded:
Leonard J. Ravitz, 1962, History, Measurement, and Applicability of Periodic Changes in the Electromagnetic Field in Health and Disease. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences)
Page 1174
I am getting resistance. It has been four days since I set out to write this.
The problem is that I want to try to sell these Vril Compendium I have on my desk and that is never the right motivation to try to write about these things.
I know Lenny has more to say because when I was reproducing it recently I ended up with three weird sort of damaged copies, one of them may be yours.
I think I will let him start:
“Additionally, an annual cycle appears to be present in trees which roughly parallels the sun-spot cycle.
Further, the previously mentioned parallelisms between periodic movements in different forms of life as well as between earth, atmosphere, and tree voltage gradients, provide further evidence for the primacy of an exogenous component regulating electrocyclic timing.”
Leonard J. Ravitz, 1962, History, Measurement, and Applicability of Periodic Changes in the Electromagnetic Field in Health and Disease. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences)
I had to look up the definition of exogenous.
From the wikipedia:
Endogenous substances and processes are those that originate from within a living system such as an organism, tissue, or cell.[1]
In contrast, exogenous substances and processes are those that originate from outside of an organism.
I was pretty surprised to find Gerry so amiable to Lenny’s conversation. He picks right up by telling a quick story illustrating the two rods and then does a breakdown of a lot of great research that relates to this “exogenous” atmospheric energy and how it relates to biology.
We are now going to wander into the Vril Compendium by Gerry Vassilatos. This work was created in 1992 before the internet was a thing. Gerry would scour libraries and had amazing sources that he cut and paste into eleven volumes or Compendiums. The introductions or commentary in the beginning of these compendiums is some of the most advanced, intuitional, and visionary material on the Borderland.
In hilly regions he is to conduct by two rods, the positive electricity from the atmosphere and in valleys and low flat countries, he will elevate conductors and receivers to a great altitude by balloons connected to the earth by wires. The atmospheric conductors are connected by insulated wires with plates extending to a considerable depth in the earth, and the insulated reservoirs for storing up the electric fluid are situated midway between them.
-Lightning Batteries-a remarkable invention
Biological Effects
The response of living species to electromagnetic fields (such fields being either responsible for, or a consequence of, telluric currents) is a difficult but important problem. Several examples discussed in the literature include the induced currents in a tree produced by geomagnetic fluctuations (Fraser-Smith, 1978) and the use of magnetic fields for orientation by aquatic bacteria( e.g., Blakemore, 1975) and by migrating birds (e.g., Moore,1977; Larkin and Sutherland, 1977; Alerstam and Hogstedt,1983; Beason and Nichols, 1984). Telluric currents could play a role in some control of fish (e.g., Legget, 1977; kalmijn, 1977; Brown et al., 1979; Fainberg, 1980; Fonarev, 1982). Magnetite crystals have been reported as isolated from the sinus in the yellowfin tuna (Walker et al., 1984). Enhanced DNA synthesis has been reported for human fibroblasts exposed to magnetic-field fluctuations with frequencies and amplitudes similar to many geomagnetic occurrences (Liboff et al., 1984) The entire area is fraught with controversy, particularly that related to magnetic effects, and has been reviewed by Parkinson (1982) and commented on by Thomson (1983)
-Interaction of Telluric Currents with Man-Made systems had to leave it for the night.
When I picked up the trail the next day I grabbed a book from the bottom of the pile. There was such a great continuity last night, how was Johann Grander’s Water Activation System going to contribute?
I opened the book at random, and in walks Johann Grander who in and joins us.
He seems to be standing at a podium in a spotlight, sort of professorial. He is holding a glass of water from which he takes a long, deep, refreshing drink and beings to lecture:
"Magnetism is energy (force and information) which flows from one pole to the other. It is always a matter of source and drain (plus and minus). This is what the whole universe, the Creation and life, are based on.
There are three different kinds of magnetism:
1. Material magnetism (ferro-magnetism), permanent magnetism, geomagnetism. North-south pole magnetism.
This kind of magnetism is direction-oriented; only certain types of energy flow and certain materials, i.e. iron, are attracted or repelled.
2.Psychological magnetism (gravity, natural phenomena, fog, sensitivity to changes in the weather…)
This kind of magnetism is related to time and space. Several kinds of energy flow and all materials are attracted (i.e. gravity)
3.Spiritual magnetism- the ultimate form of magnetism (thoughts, vital and hereditary information, planetary energy, i.e. the sun…)
This kind of magnetism is neither connected to time or to space. Life would not be conceivable without this form of magnetism. A pea seed has, for example, been polarized so that it can absorb certain types of energy, its vital and hereditary information. It would be inconceivable for a pea seed to suddenly grow into a runner bean.
Energies are never generated, but transformed - an interaction of various forms of magnetism between plus and minus. Water is the most important carrier of energy and information. It not only gives living beings energy and information, it also takes it. These functions are either inhibited or no longer work in the case of impaired or dead water."
Johann Grander’s Water Activation System,
With all this talk of water as a “carrier of energy and information” it is no wonder that Trevor J. Constable appears in a quick cut away. It looks like old VHS video from the 1990’s…he is standing next to a cloud buster with long pipes pointing into the south-west.
Orgone Energy Streams in the Terrestrial Environment
Imminent in the discovery of orgone energy through biophysical, biopsychiatric and bioenergetic research with human beings, are the twin characteristics of pulsation and motion that are inseparable from life. The streams of energy felt in the healthy and lively human being, have their counterparts in the orgone energy streams that sustain the whole life of the earth. In modern orgone engineering, the earth itself is approached as a gigantic living organism. The orgone energy engineering of weather, through the appropriate use of CLB’s, locally manipulates two currently acknowledged orgone streams. Advanced work growing out of the modern concept of CLB functioning, indicates that there may be as many as 32 individual orgone energy streams involved in the total bioenergetic metabolism of planet Earth.
The two streams currently utilized may be described as follows:
1.The planetary stream. Flows around the earth from west to east, slightly faster than the earth itself.
2. The galactic stream. Flows generally from southwest to northeast, but subject to local variations.
Contemporary orgone energy weather engineering employs one or more CLB’s to stimulate, divert, augment, or locally block these orgone streams in nature.
The essence of orgone energy weather engineering is its twofold character. There is always a primary stimulus, i.e. a direct stimulus to the orgone energy continuum, and a secondary effect resulting from that stimulus The secondary effects occur at the level of ponderable, observable and recordable meteorological phenomena, and range from the creation of thunder, lightning and rain to shifting the direction of the wind.
Orgone Energy Weather Engineering, The Law, and The Environmental Crisis, Trevor J. Constable, 1974
Yikes. To conclude, Gerry appears as he did in his videos from the 1990’s with the odd psychedelic effects…
“Franklin constructed rods so as to bring the lightning into his house, for the purpose of ascertaining if it was the positive or negative kind. He succeeded in the experiment for the first time in April, 1753, when it appeared that the electricity was negative. On the sixth day of June he met with a cloud electrified positively.
Magnets are also powerfully eidetic. They have been employed as shields against all manner of negative influence including lightning strikes. Empirical examination of such designs (Bryan) reveals that a small magnetic charge is sufficient to counteract the conduction of Vril and its subsequent detrital products during adverse weather conditions.
Vril channels are weather alleys. These are natural lanes in which vril channels effect inertial dissolutions with regularity.
Geometric material configurations direct and climate inertial detritus. Specific minerals, metals, lodes, and grounds, dissolve, absorb, shear, and cavitate inertial space in the native states. Iron spontaneously dissolves and eradicates inertial space. Human experience is shaped by Vril transactions. We need Vril eidetic transaction. It is a living nutrient to our being.
Gerry Vassilatos, 1992, Vril 1, White-Ray Conductors, Commentary Auction for these items:
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