Thursday, July 10, 2014

Water, Plants, Magnetism: A Borderland Study

Water, Plants, Magnetism:
A Borderland Study

Is this collection of four print items YOUR passport to an investigation on the Borderlands of Science? These items are available from the catalog and we have a package for auction at eBay. Here are some brief blurbs and quotes from our research archive material:

Magnetic Water
by E.D. O'Brian, Journal of Borderland Research 1st Quarter 2000

Mesmer, Paracelsus, Hanemann, Reichenbac, Dr. Tiller and others are reviewed in this really interesting nine page overview of magnetism applied to water. This article is an excellent chance to wander through a history of ideas relating to this mystery of life.

"A careful review of all these clues discussed also indicates or at least strongly suggests that water must be present when there is an interaction between a magnetic field and a life form. This is related to the fact that an active life as we know it is completely dependent upon water being present within the life form."



Personality of Plants
by Royal Dixon and Franklyn E. Fitch, 1923

"This is a truly starting fact. Instead of belonging to the earth, the plants then belong primarily to the air. The air is their natural habitat. The earth serves to give them a fixed place in the world and provide them with flavored water to drink."

"Plants are born from seeds, the joint product of two individuals; they live by eating and drinking; the marry and in turn rear families of their own. It is our purpose in this chapter to show, in a very definite way, that this is not mere figurative language but a common-sense statement of fact."

"The first action of the planted Bean is to absorb water to a prodigious amount, and so to wake the quiescent life forces which may have been slumbering within it for years. It is a law of animal and vegetable life that all vital processes must be performed in solution. Without water, life is dead or somnolent."



Water, Sense Organ for the Life of the Earth
by Jennifer Greene

Jennifer Green quotes from Theodore Schwenk extensively in this great article reprinted in The Journal of Borderland Research from The Journal of the Bio-Dynamic Association.

"The wave that has moved in on itself has developed an inner space. Think how this happened in evolution, the development of inner spaces and organs. This is an absolutely archetypal picture of taking the outer surface and making it "in."

"This important phenomenon - the curling in of folds of layers to create a separate organ with a life of its own with the whole organism of the water- does actually occur in the forming of organic structures.. the hollowing out of inner space is a fundamental process,  an archetypal form-gesture in all organic creation... where in the wrinkling, folding invaginating process of gastulation, organs for the development of consciousness are prepared. (Sensitive Chaos, p. 41)"



Implosion, The Secret of Victor Schauberger
Compiled by Riley Crabb, 1985

"There is good reason why rivers wind and twist through valleys and plains. They are trying to preserve the primary  form of the sinosoidal curve produced by the slightly declining planetary movement of the earth. The function of this curve is to create and maintain in rivers a diamagnetic axis which keeps their waters alive and pure and endows them with their carrying and towing capacity. When the meander is eliminated by regulation and furthermore, when the vegetation protecting the banks (willows, alders, etc.) is destroyed, the resulting damage is threefold. First, the magnetic axis is destroyed and the rivers carrying, towing, and cleansing properties are impaired. Secondly, with the shading vegetation gone and the resulting overexposure to sunlight, the oxygen content of the water is overheated, dries out and decomposes. Thirdly, the graded river bed carries off water very rapidly instead of keeping in in the soil. The floor of the river sinks deeper, and deeper causing the underground water to escape and the tale to drop; it "bleeds the land to death"

In a follow up to our last newlitter an associate writes:

"The work of Morley-Martin, Littlefield, and Crosse, together with related experiments by Weeks, Bastian, and Twining, constitute the most remarkable collection of biological, or psycho-biological data in modern science; its import is revolutionary and affects not only all the biological sciences but philosophy and metaphysics as well - yet it has been studiously ignored by contemporary scientists and philosophers alike."

Crosse's Acari was first reprinted in RR Vol. 12, No. 6, which was March & April 1957 under the editorial direction of Meade Layne.

 Now you know.

"Our first account of the acari appeared in FLYING ROLL (now O.P.), Alpha III, March 1948, where it was included in the article THE LITTLEFIELD EXPERIMENTS. It later appeared as an 8-page section of the brochure, THE MORLEY-MARTIN EXPERIMENTS and THE EXPERIMENTS OF DR. CHARLES W. LITTLEFIELD, a BSRA compilation, in which form it is still available ($1.00)."

This version is by Gould and was taken from his book Oddities, but that's mentioned in the 1996 re-reprint.
The later reprint of the Morley Martin book for some reason is listed under Etheric Physics instead of Esoteric Biology.

Tho that's clearly what you wanted to co-sell on your latest spam.

 Whomever this Morley Martin is.


 Palingenesis is the subject of the Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges's last ever short story, The Rose of Paracelsus (1983)

Crosses Acari

UNTIL 1836 the English public had never heard of Andrew Crosse. A small circle of friends knew that he lived at a rather dilapidated country-seat in the Quantock Hills, where he spent his time, and what money an encumbered estate allowed him, in electrical experiments. His rustic neighbours spoke of him as “the thunder and lightning man,” and shunned his house like the plague, especially after nightfall, it being a matter of common notoriety that devils, surrounded by lightning, were then to be seen dancing upon wires encircling its grounds.

Read Now:

Get hard copy of Journal of Borderland Research - Vol. 52, No. 03:

The Beginnings and Way of Life
by Charles Wentworth Littlefield (Author)

Price: $49.95

This is an original edition copy of the work of Dr. Charles Littlefield (very few copies are known to exist). Littlefield demonstrated life-forming activity in the mineral realm, with organic lifeforms actually springing from inorganic matter! While crystallizing inorganic substances he demonstrates the creative power of mind by imprinting thought forms into the "inert" substances. Chapters include: The Vital Force, Crystal Prototypes of plants, The Law of Organic Forms, Fixing Thought-Forms in Matter, and more.

The Morley Martin Experiments
Price: $9.95
Subtitle: Experiments of Dr. Charles W. Littlefield & Wilhelm Reich

To the great consternation of the scientific world, Morley Martin succeeded in creating organic life forms in inert Precambrian azoic rock! He proved that there is no death, only latency, and that life is not special to this planet but is a spontaneous universal phenomenon. Dr. Littlefield demonstrated life-forming activity in the mineral realm, with life actually emerging from ‘dead’ rock! While crystallizing inorganic substances, he described many organic forms imprinted into ‘inert’ substances. Includes documentation on Andrew Crosse’s extraordinary experiments where spider-like insects were created from ‘inert’ volcanic pumice, after being treated with galvanic currents. Learn of Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s ground-breaking bion experiments — the creation of living, pulsating energy from heat-sterilized substances! Also contains a brief description of disease diagnosis through crystallized blood spots.

Verne Cameron

We came across a little blurb on Verne Cameron, whose work is still available in our eBay offering:

This American pendulist of the 20th century had a most interesting experience. During the Cold War in the 1960's, he was invited by the government of South Africa to help them locate their country's precious natural resources using his pendulum. He was denied a passport by the US government.

The reason is strangely amusing. A few years earlier, Mr. Cameron was invited by the US Navy to test his ability of dowsing. He performed map dowsing or tele-radiesthesia and located correctly every submarine in the Navy's fleet. The US Navy officials were shocked when he could locate not only every US submarine, but also every Russian submarine in the world. As a result, the CIA determined that Verne Cameron was a risk to national security, and he was forbidden to leave the United States.

or at the catalog

We appreciate your interest in Borderland Sciences and as we mentioned last time we are going to post these newslitters to the blog so that if any one would like to contribute to this discussion they can, not that anyone ever goes to this old blog or really wants to hear it from you anyway. But at the same time we love to share and discuss ideas.
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Biology on the Borderlands of Science

Borderland Researcher,

Which came first the Chicken or the Egg
omne vivum ex ovo,
Latin for "every living thing from an egg"

In this newsletter/spam mail/ongoing plea for support we are going to explore the microscopic realms of biology and electricity. The items described can be found at the eBay auction site:

The main item we feature is the two volume set "The Beginnings of Life: being some account of the nature, modes of origin and transformation of lower organisms, I–II (1872)" that does not appear in the catalog but was probably once available during the time of the Acari research in the 90's.
We do carry The Origin of Life that is only 124 pages.

On the contrary this unique item, The Beginnings of Life, is over 1000 pages of detailed experiments, theory, and more information on bacteria than seems humanly possible. This book set is clearly for your intense love of biological research. You must be obsessed with the Origins of Life to want to possess this amazing book by H. Charlton Bastian. This set is for the Biologist who not only enjoys investigating the origins of life but wants the opportunity to wander through the many experiments that Bastian has developed to clarify his ideas.

I can't understand most of this book. What I have read is very interesting but the question is so large I find it very difficult to boil it down to a quick quote for a simple spam article like this. In fact I have been struggling with this assignment from the Inner Circle for over two   three weeks. I have an idea that I am going to blog this "newslitter" so that when you decide to buy this book for your Biogenesis research (Archebiosis?) you can let us know what this is really all about.

The difficulty is describing this huge tome has been baffling me. Every time I try to dip in for a quote to sum things up or demonstrate how interesting and useful this book may be the content widens out into a very profound investigation of the origins of life; how it is defined and methods used to understand it.

Digging around to try to understand better what this book set represents and why it was in the storage archive waiting to be auctioned to this list I came across an old article that seemed to frame Bastians work historically.
This June 30th 1877 article in the UK Spectator magazine gives a very detailed thumbnail of the sort of experimental actions taken that help flush out the controversy of vitalism vs. germ theory. It is rather detailed but pales in comparison with the painfully detailed descriptions given by Bastian in his book on the Beginning and Way of Life.


"THE question whether vitality and organization are capable of being evolved from dead matter, or must always proceed from a previously existing organism, is one which is older than Lucretius, as a matter of speculative thought, and as one of experimental investigation is at least as old as Redi and Spallanzani. Of late years it has again occupied the attention of physiologists, and has been made the subject of laborious research and much conflict of opinion, and the occasion of not a little acrimony. On the affirmative side of the controversy, or that on which the possibility of life being produced without ordinary generation in any of its modes is maintained, our countryman, Dr. Bastian, is the foremost champion ; and on the other, the well-known French physiologist, M. Pasteur, supported by the high authority of Professor Tyndall."

The scope of this set is vast. The Beginnings of Life by Charlton Bastian is a extensive journey into the microscopic  realms of the Borderlands. Here is a quote from Bastian's huge two volume tome:

"Can we at present frame to ourselves any possible or conceivable way in which mere molecular motion can result in the manifestation of such phenomena as sensations, thoughts, and all the various modes of self-consciousness? Whilst such problems, and many others just as difficult, remain for out solution, it could never be supposed that we believed the problems of Life to be solved. We have cleared some of the approaches, but there is still an impenetrable temple of mystery. "
Why bother penetrating the Temple of Mystery? What use is it to explore these old ideas coming out of the vestiges of Vitalism? I think this piece of interview I found when searching around helps cast some light at how the current paradigm is not sufficient to allow for the progress into energy medicine and indeed all technology dependent on a shift in worldview.

While Beverly Rubik has nothing to do with Bastians book she makes it clear what the ultimate purpose of this research is: To challenge and change the materialistic paradigm.!OpenDocument
REDWOOD: What do you see as the primary features of the dominant scientific paradigm, and how does frontier science challenge it?
RUBIK: The dominant biomedical or biological paradigm is where life is
viewed mainly as a bag of biomolecules, and a human being is a collection of organs, tissues, and other things that it can be reduced to. In that paradigm, the whole is considered the sum of its parts. It's also a mechanistic or materialistic worldview. For example, in the dominant paradigm consciousness is nothing but brain processes or the results of brain processes. Some of its chief features are materialism, reductionism, and fragmentation.

REDWOOD: What are the problems with that paradigm?

RUBIK: I don't think that a molecular view of life is sufficient for
understanding holistic medicine or the whole human being.

REDWOOD: What other factors need to be included to create a larger or more applicable paradigm?

RUBIK: We need to consider energy flows in biology, the subtle energies
that can't really be reduced to molecules. A good example is acupuncture.
I'm aware that some features of acupuncture have been reduced to molecules, such as the analgesic effects that have purportedly been explained in terms of endorphin release. But the nonlocality of acupuncture, and why stimulating at the crown of the head might cure hemorrhoids, is beyond anybody's comprehension from a molecular view. The specificity of that point for hemorrhoids and other points on the body for other internal organs certainly challenge it.

Is this your set? You can pick it up at eBay:

For our second item we have an old 1974 version of The Cameron Aurameter by Vern Cameron.
When this old tome was opened at random a cool quote jumped out from the mysterious chapter of the Aurameter and the Vitic Rods. One of those simple  experiments that the old Borderland Research Associate's were so interested it.
"In an article in THE PRACTITIONER, in June, 1914, Dr. J. Horne Wilson wrote of this discovery of mine: 'In this connection (nerve deafness), I may mention that a rod of carbon, which has its molecular condition altered in a similar way to that of iron when it is converted into a magnet, had a most remarkable effect on the body deflections. If held in the right hand it produces an off-scale positive deflection and an off-scale negative if held in the left hand. If held in contact with the right side of the body for five or ten minuets, it makes the hand-to-hand deflections strongly positive, and has exactly the opposite effect if held in the left side of the body. What this force is I do not at present pretend to say, but it has a marked influence on the electrical condition of the body, though no direct influence upon the terminals of the galvanometer. It evidently charges the body with a force akin to nerve energy, as it is retained for a much longer period than electricity is.'

The Divining Rod, written by Arther J. Ellis in 1917, has a great blurb that ties in dowsing research with the more physical forms of dowsing that Borderland Sciences tends to gravitate to.

“Most of the present devices are magnetic or electrical instruments, which taken together, cover almost every application of magnetism and electricity. They range from ordinary dip neeles to telephones and devices using wireless waves. Among the most widely advertised instruments of this kind are W. Mansfield’s “Patent automatic water and oil finders,” Henri Mager’s “Indicator of current ground water,” and Adolf Schmids’s “Device for detecting subterranean waters.” Mansfield’s instrument was denied a patent in the United States on the ground that it was anticipated by the patent of Adolf Schmids. Mager’s instrument, which is described only in all his publications is admitted by him to be only a modification of Schmids’s device.”

“The Instrument is described as a hollow glass cylinder having an axis around which is spirally wound a soft-iron wire is layers that are separated from one another by paraffined paper, and at intervals by layers of tin foil. The outside layer of the spool is covered with paper. The wire of this spool forms an open circuit. The end of the spool is covered with a glass dial plate having at its center a pivot on which a pointer or needle oscillates.”
“It is claimed that when the  instrument is in the vicinity of a source or a stream of subterranean water the needle will after a time oscillate rapidly.”
Another paragraph leaped up with a quick scan that deserves a quick read.
“It is true that we don’t know how it works. No really adequate explanation of any form of radiesthesia is as yet available. But it is generally accepted that all substance give off some for or kind or rate of vibration, or emanation and many of these can be picked up[ by apparatus known to science. And there is an enormous mass of empirical evidence to show that hitherto unknown radiations can be picked up by other means, that is, by devices of which orthodox scientism knows nothing. That characteristic of these is that the mind-body energies of the experimenter are involved in the operation. This introduces a erratic personal factor which positivistic science is always trying to get rid of- but the factual results are there, nevertheless. It would be incredibly stupid wither to discard the aurameter or the pendulum, or to put any arbitrary limits on their possible performances. What is needed, of course, is systematic exploration, without either dogmatism or credulity. The mind-body complex is part of the circuit, so to speak.”

Electric Engineers have a set of books that will also take them into the microscopic realm of atomic structure. Rays of Positive Electricity by J.J. Thomson and Atoms and Rays by Sir Oliver Lodge provide a means of investigating the "rays" of the atomic level. These books are as inscrutable if not more so than Bastian's books.
"I was struck by a recent remark of that  great mathematical and physical investigator, Sir J.J. Thomson, that though the present century has been extraordinarily prolific in discoveries in Natural Science, especially in the more physical branch thereof, there was very little popular knowledge or understanding in the matter. Nevertheless there is a keen interest, even in the most abstruse things; as has been proved by the number of readers of books on the Einstein method of Relativity. And there is evidently a real desire to learn about anything which Physicists will take the trouble to expound with sufficient clarity to be generally intelligible. The present book is an effort in that direction."

and in the Preface to Positive Rays, Thomson writes:

"I have endeavored in this book to give some account of the experiments on Positive Rays which have been made at the Cavendish Laboratory during the last seven years, and which have been the subject of papers scattered through the Philosophical Magazine, the Proceedings of the Royal Society. I have in addition, included a short account of the researches of Stark and others of the Doppler effect in Positive Rays and of Gehrcke and Reichenheim's experiments on Anode Rays, as these, those on the Doppler effect especially, are very closely connected with the results obtained by the very different methods described in the earlier part of this book. I Have described at some length the applications of Positive Rays to chemical analysis ; one of the main reasons for writing this book was the hope that it might induce others, and especially chemists. to try this method of analysis. I feel sure there are many problems in Chemistry which could be solved with far greater ease by this than by any other method."

We offer these three items as special auctions on eBay and also hope that you will search the catalog for items that will support your constantly expanding investigation in the realms not even perceptible to many, these mysteries that lay within the Borderlands of Science.