Sunday, December 26, 2021

November 2021 Newsletter

  I obtained a few more copper scrub pads but have not created any screens from them. I obtained some copper metallic fabric to experiment with but have not had any inspiration. 


The only observation I can make from the copper screens that I have been using is that I continue to place them under my mattress when I sleep. I can’t say that I sleep better or am more relaxed but my reflex is to replace it. Habitual? Perhaps. 


I have some copies of the L.E. Eeman book How Do You Sleep in Storage but I don’t have a link to sell it. I have added a link I found on the web so you can access it. It is very short. 


In the meantime the Inner Circle has been knocking about the office  a bit, so I will narrate as best I can how the following excerpts may hold together.


Olive Whicher suggests to L.E. Eeman that the polarities the screens are equilibrating effects the creation of forms, which she suggests is part of the rejuvenation experienced from the screens.


Trevor Constable points to the simple coils or wire loop and how the simple geometry of the Drown device was able to interact with the body, the source of the bioenergetic “signals”.


Guenther Wachsmuth sort of leans in, he is sitting next to Olive, but its almost like he is emerging out of her in some odd projection of a cone. He almost seems to fluster Constable, or it seems pointed at him in some derisive way. I never totally understand the social tensions of these characters…


Glen Atkinson sort of tries to translate what Wachsmuth is trying to tell us. Olive understands brilliantly. I guess they are actually in the same school. I have added a link to Glen’s article so you can read the whole thing.


Even with Glen translating how Wachmuth’s German “the shattering influences” are balanced by forces that “internally and externally work to contain, form and make use of all this Etheric growth activity” I am not entirely sure of what is being expressed. But I do feel the challenge when trying to comprehend the etheric as a ‘counterspace’.

The task of ancient geometry has been well fulfilled in the life of mankind, and there is still an important place for it in the education of the individual. 


But the time has come to go forward to wider perspectives, and to add new and freer ways of thinking geometrically to the old, more fixed and rigid thought forms.  


What, then, is projective geometry and what are its takes in the life and development of mankind?


Born in the cradle of art in Renaissance times, projective geometry, while embracing the metrical (geo-metrical) field of all of the geometries, transcends the field and enters the domain of movement and metamorphosis, where rigid measure is no longer the dominating factor.


Chapter IV


Projective geometry gives a twofold approach to the creation of forms, and this gives access to a truer and more complete understanding of all forms. We learn to see that all form is in fact the outcome of the interplay and union of opposites. In any single instance it may be the one or the other quality which is more in evidence, giving the form its individual characteristics. 


In a truly balanced form the two extremes are in wonderful equilibrium as in the perfect human body, poised as it is between the dark, unconscious realm of will, in the gravity of earth and the powers of the light of consciousness, whereby man stands erect.


Chapter Fifteen Cosmic Electronics

These nine ten-position dials, with a single loop of wire around each dial position behind the panel, are led out at one end to two metal plates. Athe the other end, the dials are connected via the rubber detection pad to ground. In a diagnostic set-up, the patient sits with his feet on the foot plates, the patient is the source of the bioenergetic “signals” originating in the tissues that are to be tuned by the instrument. ...


The Drown instrument similarly begins with an antenna. The antenna collects his “broadcast” -- the totality of the emanations from his bodily tissues and organs. From this totality, the various “transmissions “ from the heart, lungs, liver and other individualized structures are separated out by a tuning process.

Royal Rife Report


Page 69 is a letter from July 2, 1941, a response from the Director of the FBI John Edgar Hoover thanking Rife for his offer of use of his laborator and microscope for analysis of evidence.


On page 7 John Crane explains the microscope... 


The rays of light refracted by the specimen enters the objective lens and are carried up the tube in parallel rays through twenty one light bends to the ocular lens. A tolerance of less than one wavelength of visible light is permitted in the core beam of illumination. In the standard optical microscope, the light rays tend to converge as they rise higher and finally cross each other, arriving at the ocular lens, separated by a considerable distance.


The Problem of the Etheric Formative Forces v 4.0

Glen Atkinson

Poppelbaum (1) offers a quote of RS, “From all sides these etheric forces stream, as if striving towards the center of the Earth. They would be compelled to tear the earthly matter to pieces, to dissolve it into 

formlessness, did there not enter into this ‘space of forces’ the modifying influence of the extra terrestrial heavenly bodies (1)”, and then goes on to talk of the etheric as a ‘counterspace’. 


2) An alternative interpretation is that RS is still talking of the Cosmic Ether here, which includes the stars and planets, coming from the periphery, so when it hits the Earth, it is the Etheric activities within the Cosmic Ether complex, that contain the shattering influences of their physical companion, as the etheric just wants to make a huge blob of dividing cells. The Star and Planetary companions both internally and externally work to contain, form and make use of all this Etheric growth activity.


How Do You Sleep? | by L. E. Eeman


Can you do anything to help save your nervous energy, to increase your store of it, to accumulate it, and to shorten the time taken by the process? Can you take in more energy in less time, so that you can go to sleep sooner and do better repair work and more of it?

You know that you store your nervous energy in your brain and that it circulates through your nerves. Now, here is the simple idea that you will find quite easy to grasp, that you are asked to examine and accept or reject, and in any case, to test in practice.

When you lie, relaxed, flat on your back, but awake, the fact that you are doing nothing does not stop your nervous energy circulating through your nerves, any more than a momentary pause during a telephone conversation stops the electric current circulating in the telephone wire. Your nervous energy goes on circulating all the time, but you are doing nothing with it, you are not using it up as it circulates, and some of it, as it gets to your nerve endings in the hands and feet, escapes from you, oozes out of you, and is lost. You know how fond old people are of resting with their hands clasped and their feet crossed, whilst babies and vital young children don't do that kind of thing. The old are tired, short of energy, and by linking their terminals they complete two circuits, keep their energy circulating within themselves and store it. They do so blindly, instinctively, because of their need, just as children, bubbling over with energy, lie spread-eagled, just as unthinkingly.

You may say: " How obvious; why didn't I think of this before? Let's try it at once," or " What an absurdly unscientific presentation of pseudo-scientific nonsense." In either case you won't really know until you have tried, and if you make up your mind to test this " pseudo-scientific nonsense," you must do so in a strictly scientific manner, so that there may be no logical escape from whatever conclusion your experiment may force upon you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July News is combined with the June News which was never mailed. Mercury Retrograde takes a toll on my ability to make sense of the impressions or even have any interest in attempting/failing to tie together the synchronicity. 


I have been enjoying the notion that the authors pass in and out like ghosts, members of the Inner Circle like in the old days. 


An image has repeated itself now many times from an attempt to research George Crile. Ghostly Rabbits and lots of them!


“Seventy Seven Rabbits were used in these preliminary studies…”

The Phenomena of Life 

George Crile, 1936


Jorge Resines, author of Some Free Energy Devices, is making an appearance. Jorge was keen to meet Mark Clement, author of Waves That Heal and point out a connection between the copper coils of the Lakhovsky oscillating circuit and the copper coils of the Schappeller sphere.


Like most times, I am not smart enough to understand what they are talking about but maybe you have a better inkling (as is often the case).


“Case 4. Madane L., aged 44”

“...On the 7th December she consented to put on a Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuit and has not left it off since...” 

The Waves that Heal, Mark Clement 


In trying to get a better idea who Karl Shappeller was I came across a very interesting slice of the internet. I captured it from a deleted wiki page in German.


Points to odd philosophical or political splits between Vril and Ether among the early scientists. 


“Strube shuningdek, Vril kuchi "reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" ning boshqa a'zolari uchun ahamiyatsiz bo'lganligini ko'rsatdi, ular avstriyalik ixtirochi Karl Shappeller (1875-1947) nazariyalarining tarafdorlari edi.”


Strube also pointed out that the Vril force was irrelevant to other members of the "reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" who were supporters of the theories of the Austrian inventor Karl Shappeller (1875-1947). [27]

Jorge points to the Copper Coils...


“Also in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s an Austrian, Karl Schappeller, designed a device to test his theory of ether-compression and implosion. Basically, it consisted of a pair of coils wound round a hollow ceramic former shaped spherically and contained in an iron sphere. The coils were of copper tubing packed with a permanent electric material of unknown composition. This constituted what Shapperller called the “Dynomagnetic Generator”, so named after the force he claimed accompanied ether compression.”

Some Free Energy Devices, Jorge Resines 

Page 69 


“It has been the dream of philosophers for ages, to be able to discern the exact identity of the ultimate building-block for everything in the universe. In the 19th century, von Helmholtz had been on the right track toward this goal, but because contemporary atomist had insisted upon a totally inviscid ether for the classical vortex-sponge atom of Lord kelvin, the latter could not survive the impact of later discoveries, such as the existence of radioactivity and possible disassembly of the atom. For a time it seemed that the electron was ultimate, but the  discovery of other particles such as mesons made the philosophers’ goal seem remote indeed. In 1931 the ultimate building block of Nature was utilized in the solution of the riddle of why there are two qualities of electrical charge, but at that time an entirely different goal was kept to the fore. 


Who was its discoverer? An examiner of patents in Washington, D.C. named Carl Frederick Krafft, who has followed closely some obscure developments in Germany in the field of world-ether research.”


Glimpses of the Unseen World

Carl Frederick Krafft, 1956


Kraft was interested in telling us that entire paragraph early in June of last month before the Mercury Retrograde. Only now that I am pasting in the text from June to bulk out this newsletter so I see the uncanny synchronicity.


“obscure developments in Germany in the field of world-ether research” ties us to the rather obscure, or so we thought at first, reference to "reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" which was almost both too spooky and irrelevant to include in the newsletter. 


Mark, Karl, Jorge and Carl all give me a weird look and get back to the observation of the evidence at hand.


The next notes come from June 28th and things were not quite right still, a full mercury retrograde cycle goes all the way back until it returns to the original degree.


“Fig. 17 Diagram showing where oscillating circuits should be worn.

“The diagram on this page shows where the oscillating circuits should be worn, i.e. round the neck, waist, and above the elbows and knees.”  

The Waves that Heal, Mark Clement 


Then there is a terrible sentence…”IN this connection it must be particularly stressed that only circuits made in strict accordance with Lakhovsky’s directions should be used, otherwise, the results will prove entirely negative.”


Although it just occurs to me that this could mean that nothing will happen at all, but I think I always read this as “entirely” negative or something terrible...which would be fine if Lakhovsky ever gave any directions as to the proportions of the circuit coils.

The sources for this letter are for sale at the website. In the past we might have auctioned them at eBay but that was never very effective.

These items are from a storage box. The Waves that Heal has a stain, Glimpses of the Unseen World has rusty staples, The Phenomena of Life is rusted staples and the paper cover is loose. Some Free Energy Devices is brand new.