July News is combined with the June News which was never mailed. Mercury Retrograde takes a toll on my ability to make sense of the impressions or even have any interest in attempting/failing to tie together the synchronicity.
I have been enjoying the notion that the authors pass in and out like ghosts, members of the Inner Circle like in the old days.
An image has repeated itself now many times from an attempt to research George Crile. Ghostly Rabbits and lots of them!
“Seventy Seven Rabbits were used in these preliminary studies…”
The Phenomena of LifeGeorge Crile, 1936
Jorge Resines, author of Some Free Energy Devices, is making an appearance. Jorge was keen to meet Mark Clement, author of Waves That Heal and point out a connection between the copper coils of the Lakhovsky oscillating circuit and the copper coils of the Schappeller sphere.
Like most times, I am not smart enough to understand what they are talking about but maybe you have a better inkling (as is often the case).
“Case 4. Madane L., aged 44”
“...On the 7th December she consented to put on a Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuit and has not left it off since...”
The Waves that Heal, Mark Clement
In trying to get a better idea who Karl Shappeller was I came across a very interesting slice of the internet. I captured it from a deleted wiki page in German.
Points to odd philosophical or political splits between Vril and Ether among the early scientists.
“Strube shuningdek, Vril kuchi "reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" ning boshqa a'zolari uchun ahamiyatsiz bo'lganligini ko'rsatdi, ular avstriyalik ixtirochi Karl Shappeller (1875-1947) nazariyalarining tarafdorlari edi.”
Strube also pointed out that the Vril force was irrelevant to other members of the "reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" who were supporters of the theories of the Austrian inventor Karl Shappeller (1875-1947). [27]
Jorge points to the Copper Coils...
“Also in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s an Austrian, Karl Schappeller, designed a device to test his theory of ether-compression and implosion. Basically, it consisted of a pair of coils wound round a hollow ceramic former shaped spherically and contained in an iron sphere. The coils were of copper tubing packed with a permanent electric material of unknown composition. This constituted what Shapperller called the “Dynomagnetic Generator”, so named after the force he claimed accompanied ether compression.”
Some Free Energy Devices, Jorge ResinesPage 69
“It has been the dream of philosophers for ages, to be able to discern the exact identity of the ultimate building-block for everything in the universe. In the 19th century, von Helmholtz had been on the right track toward this goal, but because contemporary atomist had insisted upon a totally inviscid ether for the classical vortex-sponge atom of Lord kelvin, the latter could not survive the impact of later discoveries, such as the existence of radioactivity and possible disassembly of the atom. For a time it seemed that the electron was ultimate, but the discovery of other particles such as mesons made the philosophers’ goal seem remote indeed. In 1931 the ultimate building block of Nature was utilized in the solution of the riddle of why there are two qualities of electrical charge, but at that time an entirely different goal was kept to the fore.
Who was its discoverer? An examiner of patents in Washington, D.C. named Carl Frederick Krafft, who has followed closely some obscure developments in Germany in the field of world-ether research.”
Glimpses of the Unseen World
Carl Frederick Krafft, 1956
Kraft was interested in telling us that entire paragraph early in June of last month before the Mercury Retrograde. Only now that I am pasting in the text from June to bulk out this newsletter so I see the uncanny synchronicity.
“obscure developments in Germany in the field of world-ether research” ties us to the rather obscure, or so we thought at first, reference to "reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft" which was almost both too spooky and irrelevant to include in the newsletter.
Mark, Karl, Jorge and Carl all give me a weird look and get back to the observation of the evidence at hand.
The next notes come from June 28th and things were not quite right still, a full mercury retrograde cycle goes all the way back until it returns to the original degree.
“Fig. 17 Diagram showing where oscillating circuits should be worn.
“The diagram on this page shows where the oscillating circuits should be worn, i.e. round the neck, waist, and above the elbows and knees.”The Waves that Heal, Mark Clement
Then there is a terrible sentence…”IN this connection it must be particularly stressed that only circuits made in strict accordance with Lakhovsky’s directions should be used, otherwise, the results will prove entirely negative.”
Although it just occurs to me that this could mean that nothing will happen at all, but I think I always read this as “entirely” negative or something terrible...which would be fine if Lakhovsky ever gave any directions as to the proportions of the circuit coils.
The sources for this letter are for sale at the website. In the past we might have auctioned them at eBay but that was never very effective.
These items are from a storage box. The Waves that Heal has a stain, Glimpses of the Unseen World has rusty staples, The Phenomena of Life is rusted staples and the paper cover is loose. Some Free Energy Devices is brand new.
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