Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Implosion and the Dielectric Field

"Eric P. Dollard, Borderland's resident "Wireless Engineer," has shown through his researches with Tesla Technology that the capacitive field (which he terms the dielectric field) is implosive in nature and produces the same illumination effects as Reich's Orgone. So here we see a relationship between the implosive effects of water and the possibilities of anti-gravity; and the implosive effects of the dielectric field and the possibility of anti-gravity Reich manipulated the Orgone streams around the earth to produce changes in the weather. Nikola Tesla was experimenting with weather engineering via his large Magnifying Transmitter at Colorado Spring. This manipulation was effected, not by ELF transmissions as is popular to believe (with no proof), but by the propagation of the dielectric field, which is the organic side of electricity and has been here shown to be in direct relationship with Orgone."
Excerpt from IMPLOSION - The Secret of Viktor Schauberger (1985 Revised Edition)

Available at Borderland Sciences Catalog: IMPLOSION - The Secret of Viktor Schauberger

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