Thursday, July 16, 2009

Project LUCAS

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Sniped from Borderland Sciences Research Foundation:

L. George Lawrence, a Silesian-born electronics specialist, began his studies into plant biodynamics in 1962 while employed as a instrumentation engineer for a Los Angeles space-science corporation. He was actually engaged in a project to develop jam-proof missile components, and believed that using plant tissue as a type of transducer would produce the desired results. He summarized that living plant tissues or leaves were capable of simultaneously sensing temperature change, gravitational variation, electromagnetic fields, and a host of other environmental effects — an ability no known mechanical sensor possessed.

These initial investigations led him to the works of Alexander Gurwitsch, a Russian histologist, whose experiments in the 1920s proved that all living cells produce invisible radiations of a biodynamic character.

Owing to the fact that these rays from the onion "ray gun" demonstrated increased cell division or mitosis in the target, Gurwitsch called them "mitogenetic rays." Many other laboratories would confirm his findings. Researchers in Paris, Moscow, Berlin, and Frankfort all corroborated Gurwitsch’s results. Only the U.S. Academy of Sciences reported that Gurwitsch’s discovery was not replicable, and suggested it was merely his fertile imagination.

This system of being able to manage and direct the vital force in living plant tissue sparked Lawrence into action. Equipped with the knowledge of Cleve Backster’s recent experiments with plants and a polygraph instrument, Lawrence began building several psycho-galvanic analyzers to detect responses in plants. He quickly corroborated the results that Backster had obtained from his plant experiments — these results indicating that plants displayed a unique cellular consciousness.


There is quite a bit of material that supports the research into the perceptions of plants available from Borderland Sciences including the work of L. George Lawrence, Galactic Life Unveiled. The Nervous Mechanism of Plants by Sir J.C. Bose is a good study of plant response and associated theories from the turn of the 20th century.

Project LUCAS was initiated by BSRF in 1996 and is one of the best attempts to date to explore the ideas of L. George Lawrence. Details can be found at the link below:

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